

英語の記事を読んでいると、「the gays」のような表現に同性愛者への悪意や軽視を感じる人が少なくないようです。たとえばこの見出しのように、たいてい引用符を付けて地の文と区別しています。
Is Donald Trump A Friend To ‘The Gays’? |Huffington Post


正 He is gay.
正 He is a gay man.
誤 He is a gay.(文法的には間違いではないが実際には使われない/推奨されない)

Some people feel gay can be offensive when it is used as a noun and prefer to say gay people, gay men or gay men and women, depending on the context.
Macmillan Dictionary.com
「gayを名詞として使うのは無礼になる場合があると感じ、gay peopleやgay men and womenのような言い方を好む人もいる」

sometimes used to refer to individuals, as in "he is a gay" or "two gays were there too", although this may be perceived as derogatory.
Gay - Use as a noun |Wikipedia
「(名詞の形で団体名などに使われることはよくあるが)"he is a gay""two gays were there too"のように個人に対して使うと軽蔑だとみなされる場合がある」


Diction and Word Usage: Is it offensive to use 'gay' as a noun as in 'a gay' or 'the gays'? | Quora (2012)
Is it offensive to use "gay" as a noun as in "a gay" or "the gays"?
質問者「gayをa gayとかthe gaysみたいに名詞として使うのは無礼?」

Ericさん (2012年の書き込み)
It sounds offensive as if you are objectifying the person. A person is not an object. The word gay or transgender is an adjective not a noun. I would rather hear someone say "gay people" or "transgender people" rather than "a gay" or "a transgender.
「その言い方は人を物として見ているようで無礼に聞こえる。a gayやa transgenderじゃなくgay people、transgender peopleのほうがいい」

Why It's Best to Avoid the Word 'Transgendered' |TIME (2014)

Premanさん (2014)
Yes, it is a little bit offensive, or at least disrespectful, but no moreso than using "homosexual" as a noun. How offensive depends on the context and what else is being said.

GLAAD Media Reference Guide - Terms To Avoid |GLAAD

Carlさん (2016)
There are circumstances where it can be ok to use "gays," particularly in the phrase "gays and lesbians." But in general, gay is an adjective, so you should say "a gay man" or "gay men."
「gays and lesbiansのように名詞として使える場合もあるが通常は形容詞。a gay manやgay menと言うべき」

tha gaysには人格軽視のニュアンスがある

同性愛者の総称としてthe gaysを使う人がいる。
the gay(the+形容詞)でも「同性愛者たち」という名詞になる?(あまり見ない気がする)

Leeさん (2015)
it conveys the idea that "they are all the same", it's just a bunch of people. [中略] Therefore, I would not use this form. Especially not when talking about minorities.
「the gaysのような表現は、本来ひとりひとり異なる人を同じもののようにひとまとめに扱う言い方。だから特にマイノリティに対しては、私は使わない」

'The blacks,' 'the gays,' 'the Muslims' — linguists explain one of Donald Trump's most unusual speech tics |Business Insider (2016)


Tomさん (2012)
Sure. Just don't be surprised when he punches you if you sound like a raging homophobic plonker while saying it.

That said, it's quite common to use "the gays" as a jovial in-group shorthand for the more formal "gay people" (or "gay men" or "gay guys' or whatnot), used to refer to the set (or indeed a set of) gay people.
「the gaysは同性愛嫌悪発言とみなされて殴られても不思議ではないが、内輪での面白表現としてはよく使われる」

Tianaさん (2015)
As a woman with a lot of gay friends, i say this on a semi-frequent basis. Nobody's ever taken offense to it, but please correct me if it is, in fact, offensive. It's more concise and animated than saying "I was out with my gay friends".
I don't think there is a circumstance where you would use "a" as in "a gay". That's something my great-grandmother might have said.
「私はゲイの友人がたくさんいて、よく使うし誰も気にしてない。実際は無礼だけど、gay friendsと言うべきところをthe gaysと言うほうが簡潔で生き生きする。でもa gayを使う状況はないと思う。私のひいおばあちゃんなら言ったかも」

LOL well i personally call myself a gay all the time. or call me and my (queer) friends “the gays” just cuz i think it’s funny.
「僕はいつも自分のことをa gayって言ってる(笑) 自分やクィアの友人のこともthe gaysって言う。単に面白いと思うから」

以上、引用は、Diction and Word Usage: Is it offensive to use 'gay' as a noun as in 'a gay' or 'the gays'? | Quora (2012)


Actually, gay is an adjective! Gay describes an aspect of a person, but a person is so much more beyond their being gay, too! For this reason, refrain from referring to a group of gay people as “the gays.” Instead, you can talk about a gay person, or the gay community.
Defining Gay |My Kid Is Gay
「gayは形容詞。gayはその人の一面を形容しているのであって、その人の全てではない。だからゲイの人のグループをthe gaysと呼ぶ代わりにa gay personやthe gay communityについて語ろう」


辞書には形容詞としての用法も載っている。「lesbian relationship」「lesbian couple」など。


Culture: Gay Adjectives vs. Lesbian Nouns |The New Gay (2008)
I am gay(形容詞)がその人の一面を形容する一方で、I am a lesbian(名詞)はその人の全体、レズビアンという人間のような印象を受ける。男性の性が「ひとつの側面」で女性の性が「全人格」のような扱いはおかしいのではないか、という指摘。

Do you agree that it is better to say 'She is lesbian' than 'She is a lesbian'? |Quora (2015)
ここでは質問者が、「She is a lesbian と She is lesbian、文法的にはどちらも正しいけど、性的指向はその人の特性のひとつにすぎないのだから、She is lesbianの方がいいのでは?」と問いかけている。

・Take care when using the word “homosexual”. Outside of scientific and clinical discourse, the word has outdated and discredited connotations of psychological disorder.
・The words “gay” and “transgender” should not be used as nouns.
(PDF) NUJ Guidelines on LGBT reporting | The Ethical Journalism Initiative

How Should You Correctly Be Using The Word ‘Transgender’? |Huffington Post (2017)
Is "you are a gay" correct? |Quora (2016)
Which is correct, "He is gay," or "He is a gay"? |Quora (2015)
He is gay/He is a gay |WordReference.com (2009)